Art Journal: ADHD and Time Blindness
Horizontal sketchbook page with watercolor and ink illustration of sea foam green bowl, cup of coffee, and small square red timer. The hand written text is included below.
I learned something new about myself a couple weeks ago. I have ADHD. I am 36.
I didn’t know adults could have ADHD. I didn’t know that the symptoms of ADHD can manifest with such variety from person to person.
I experience “Time Blindness,” which hinders my ability to track how much time has passed and how much I have left. I set 6 alarms on my my phone to get anywhere on time.
My new visual timer helps me better track the passage of time.
Here is a photo of my visual timer. So cute! And it helps SO much. Being able to SEE time is blowing my mind.
I owe a big THANK YOU to René Brooks for sharing her ADHD journey and providing tips and tools for others living with ADHD. Her work has helped me seek out a diagnosis and get life changing treatment. 🧡