Discover What You Really Want (not think you should)
by Lydia Makepeace
I recently heard a talk by Grace Bonney, creator of Design*Sponge, about discovering what you’re passionate about and how to pursue those passions professionally and personally. It inspired me to create a vision board - a collage of images representing my dreams, desires and needs. Making it was so much fun and the insights it revealed were spot on. Follow the steps below to create a vision board of your own!
Bonus: Listen to Grace’s talk while you work :D
How to Create A Vision Board
You will need:
Grace Bonney - Do the Things That Scare You
- a stack of magazines
- scissors
- glue
- poster board
1) Cut out anything that appeals to you - colours, textures, words, etc. Imagine you’re a kid in the candy store and you can have anything you want!
2) Gather your clippings and glue them to a piece of poster board, however you like.
3) Step back, analyze. Are there any themes? What stands out to you? How can you incorporate these discoveries into your life?
My vision board revealed an affinity for lavender and a desire for friendship with women I admire.
Lavender is a soothing scent and colour and suggests a need for calming influences in my life. I plan to purchase lavender oil and try some yoga and mediation.
I’m still brainstorming for ways to develop more friendships with women who share my aspirations. It’s a challenge when you work from home! Plus, I’ll admit it, I’m more of an introvert. I prefer one on one interactions rather than networking type meet and greets. A chat over coffee is my cup of tea ;)