6 Art Books Worth Reading (and Rereading)

There are a lot of great books out there about art, design, and creativity, but the books listed below are the ones that have influenced my creative process the most. These are the books I return to time and time again for fresh insight and motivation. Enjoy!

Art & Fear

Making art involves facing some major insecurities about your abilities and what others might think of your work. "Art & Fear explores the way art gets made, the reasons it often doesn't get made, and the nature of the difficulties that cause so many artists to give up along the way."


Steal Like an Artist

This is a quick little guide on how to live creatively every day. In it Austin Kleon shares 10 tips he wished someone had told him starting out. My favourite tip - "Be boring. (It’s the only way to get work done.)"


Show Your Work

This is another book by Austin Kleon, and just as wonderful for it’s practical advice and humour. We live in a digital age where it’s easier than ever to get your work seen. This book offers advice on how to share your work effectively without becoming “human spam."


Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Making art is more than learning how to draw or paint; it’s really about learning to see. This book was the first formal art instruction I received and it’s changed the way I look at the world ever since.


Inside the Painter’s Studio

This book provides a rare glimpse into the studios of 24 contemporary artists and includes interviews detailing their daily work habits, favourite tools and best advice for young artists. Favourite advice from Chuck Close - “Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and get to work."


The Cheese Monkeys

A hilarious novel about an art major with a truly eccentric professor. Written by famed book cover designer, Chip Kidd, this coming of age tale is used to cleverly illustrate the basic principles of design and composition.

What are your favourite art books? Share below!